Sermon Series
Lord, We Need A Miracle – Part 1
“Before It’s Too Late!”
Pastor Jerry
Luke 23:44-47 (NLT)
————————————- Message Synopsis ————————————-
We’re in the midst of a worldwide Pandemic, with most cities and even entire countries that are shut down. It’s a frightening time. “What is going to happen next?”
For many people, and me included, the uncertainty surrounding the coronavirus outbreak is the hardest thing to handle. We don’t know how exactly we’ll be impacted or how bad things might yet get.
This is especially so, when we see and hear the news stories about people out of work …people running out of money …and people running out of food.
Did you know that you can’t live a meaningful life without HOPE? You need HOPE to keep your soul alive. You don’t just need HOPE for when the Pandemic will be over …you need HOPE today. You need HOPE, not because you’re going to die tonight from the coronavirus, but because you’ve got to get up tomorrow and live with purpose.
HOPE is not optimism. Optimism is psychological; HOPE is theological. Optimism is personal trust in yourself; HOPE is personal trust in God. Optimism is what you think you can do. HOPE is what you know God can do.
HOPE is always honest. I believe God wills to bring us through this. I believe God is in control. I believe God is working on our behalf to bring something good out of the bad.
Perhaps, you really are having a tough time in your life. And for that I’m truly sorry. And I don’t mean just having a tough time because of the inconvenience with the social distancing and the stay-at-home order. We are worried and scared for our friends and families. And all of us maybe starting to feel a little bit hopeless sometimes. We tell ourselves “I don’t know what to do. I am going to be stuck in this awful mess of my life.It’s never going to be better for me.”
That’s when we lose HOPE! When we feel defeated! When we don’t know where to turn!
Where do you get real HOPE at a time like this? You get it from what was celebrated last week. You get it from the resurrection of Jesus Christ, the central event of all history. When Jesus rose from the dead it was the most important event ever to happen in history. Nothing is more important. Nothing is more hopeful. Nothing helps us more—right now.
So today I want us to look at HOPE. And what the Bible says about HOPE.
The reason we need HOPE is because we live on a broken planet. Where do you get HOPE for all that? Lord, we need a miracle: before it is too late! Well …here’s where we get that HOPE! You get it from Jesus and His resurrection.
There are passages of Scripture from the Bible that talk about three people – Mary Magdalene, Thomas, and Simon Peter. Three people, who went through hopeless situations, who needed a miracle, who thought it would never turn around, and yet, when they had an encounter with Jesus they received a miracle. How about you? Do you need a miracle today?
(I Peter 1:21) “Because God raised Christ from the dead and gave him great glory, your faith and HOPE can be placed confidently in God.”
You do know the reason why people are hopeless today, don’t you? It’s not because there’s no HOPE to be found. It’s because they’re putting their HOPE in all the wrong things and they’re looking for HOPE in all the wrong places. You’ve got to put your HOPE in something that cannot fail you. And that is in God’s love for you. God loves you! Jesus came to show you that no matter what you’re going through, there’s a reason for HOPE. (He has a purpose for your life).
The very first person who saw Jesus alive after the resurrection was a woman named Mary Magdalene. Mary Magdalene had quite a story. All of her life Mary just wanted to be loved. There’s nothing wrong with that, wanting to be loved. We were created to be loved. You might say she was unlucky at love, because she went from one failed relationship to the next. She couldn’t figure out, what am I doing wrong?
Until one day she meets a man named Jesus Christ. For the first time there’s someone in her life who treats her with dignity, treats her with respect, cares about her for the right reasons. He loves her the way she’d always wanted to be loved. He loves her unconditionally. He loves her regardless of her faults and failures and mistakes. He just loves her.
Jesus didn’t just love her. He liberated her. He set her free. He gave her a miracle!
The first thing I want you to get from this message is: it’s never too late for a miracle from God! The Bible says in Luke 18:27 “What is impossible for people to do is possible for God.” What is it in your life you’re saying right now, my life’s impossible? It’s too messed up. I don’t know what to do. I don’t know where to turn.
Jesus says to you today, like he said to Mary: “I care about what you’re going through. It’s never too late for a miracle. It’s not hopeless. I will be your healer.” Do you need a miracle? It’s not too late! Let Jesus do the impossible for you today!
When Jesus was crucified none of his followers understood it. Nobody got it that HE came to earth to die on the cross for the sins of the world. Three days later He came back to life to prove it. But no matter how many times he said it, they didn’t get it. One of those twelve disciples was a guy named Thomas. Thomas had honest doubts. Thomas was a guy who just didn’t accept whatever was told to him. He wanted to check it out himself. He didn’t automatically believe everything he heard from everybody. By the way, neither should you.
Thomas had doubts. Jesus did not criticize Thomas for his doubts. Doubt is a good thing if it drives you to the truth. But if doubt causes you to be arrogant, stubborn, prejudice, then, that’s not doubt, that’s pride in what you know. Doubt says, I don’t know it all but I’m open to learn. Jesus doesn’t put Thomas down for his doubts. He doesn’t scold him. He just says, “Here’s your proof. Touch my hands and my side. See the wounds. It’s really me. I am alive”
Thomas finally says, “Yes Jesus, “It’s You –My Lord and my God! I believe.”
Here’s the second point I want you to get from this message: It’s never too late to start believing.
One of the reasons why we often are filled with doubt is because we don’t understand how God tests our faith. Did you know that God is testing your faith? Faith is like a muscle. The only way it grows is when it’s being tested. The only way you grow in faith is when God tests it.
God can do anything because all things are possible with him. All He asks is that you have faith in HIM …that you believe! Do you believe? A lot of times we think we’re waiting on God to do something. But actually God is waiting on us. He’s waiting on us to make the decision to do it his way. “The Lord isn’t late with his promises as some measure lateness… He is being patient for your sake. He does not want anyone to perish, so he is giving more time to everyone to repent.” (2 Peter 3:9)
What is God waiting on you to do? Is He waiting for you to decide to follow Him? The Bible says when we do that it brings new HOPE in our lives. When you invite Jesus into your life and say Jesus I believe you’re alive. I want to repent. Come into my heart and life. I want to do this your way instead of my way. Then a miracle happens! Do you need a miracle? It’s not too late! Let Jesus come into your life today!
There’s one other person I want us to look at before we close. His name is Simon Peter. You had to like Peter. He was lovable, he was enthusiastic, he was energetic. Peter was a risk taker – he’s the one who jumped out of the boat. He always wanted to be the first to do something. Peter had this energy, creativity about him. But like a lot of enthusiastic persons, sometimes Peter got a little overconfident. One time Peter’s talking to Jesus and he says “Lord, I’d die for you! I’d do anything for you, Lord. But, I would never, never deny you.” (Matthew 26:35)
And of course he did. When put on the line, at the crucifixion, Peter was scared for his own life and he denied Jesus three different times. And he became broken hearted and bitter with tears. This was the biggest failure in his life. He was forever ashamed!
What’s the biggest failure you’ve ever had? What is the thing in your life you say, man, I wish I could do that one over. This is what it was in Peter’s life. He had denied the man he’d lived with for three and a half years as follower of Jesus Christ, followed him everywhere. TAnd Peter is devastated by his failure. He is filled with guilt. He’s filled with regret. Maybe, just like you are with some of the things you’ve done in your own life.
Mary was hopeless because she said it’s too late. My life’s over. There’s no way out. Thomas was hopeless because of the doubt and the fear in his heart. Peter felt hopeless because of the guilt and the regret he was carrying, and he thought he could never be forgiven.
But Jesus had a word of HOPE for Peter. And after the resurrection he said, Peter, I’m not through with you yet. The way for you to show love to God is by loving other people. Jesus said, “Love God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind and all your strength… and love your neighbor as yourself.”
This is the final point I want you to get from this message today: It’s never too late for a new start. It’s a miracle when you let Jesus give you a new beginning!
Jesus had a word of HOPE for Mary, for Thomas, for Peter …and today Jesus has a word of HOPE for you: It’s never too late for a miracle. It’s never too late to start believing. It’s never too late to start over. You can change. You can be forgiven. You can be given a new life.
When you come to Jesus and asks for His help, that’s when a miracle happens! Do you need a miracle? How would you like to have a band new life today? Have you ever wished you could start your life over? You can …right now, today. Do it before it’s too late! Let Jesus have your heart today and receive your miracle!