Sermon Series
Lord, We Need A Miracle – Part 5
“Before We Come Up Empty!”
Pastor Jerry
Luke 5:1-11 (NLT)
————————————- Message Synopsis ————————————-
I don’t understand why politics should drive religion. It should not be about what are we constitutionally allowed to do, but what is best? I would argue that the Christian community ought to be about thinking wisely and thoughtfully about when and where to hold worship services.
I think that is why the Boones Mill Church is doing well during this pandemic. The Church of the Brethren which has always been more concerned about the wholeness of its members, rather than, how large the crowd is. And I want to commend this church and its members for your generosity.
The church is not a building — it’s a community of people who love Jesus and love each other. So while we may not have been able to meet in person in the church building, we can stay connected with people who care about us. Thank you Church Family!
Now, Do we have anyone here this morning who likes to fish? If you’ve ever been around a fisherman, you know they have some wild stories about fishing and the big fish they catch. The more they tell the stories the bigger the fish get.
I have a fish story to tell you today. And it’s one of the great fishing stories of all times. In our sermon series on miracles entitled: Lord, We Need a Miracle, today we are continuing with that theme with a message entitled, “Before We Come Up Empty.”
The story today is about four guys who had a fishing business in northern Israel around the beautiful lake of Galilee. They were Peter and his brother James, and John and his brother Andrew. Now they are not disciples of Jesus when this story is being told. But they’ve been out all night fishing on the Sea of Galilee.
And Jesus comes along and he’s talking to a crowd that is following Him and he asks these guys, “Can I use one of your boats?” Jesus is attracting large crowds and they want to hear him teach. But more important than His teaching, Jesus is planning to do a miracle.
“When Jesus had finished speaking he said to Simon, ‘Now launch out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch.’ Simon answered, ‘[Sir], we’ve worked hard all night and we haven’t caught anything.” Ever felt like this. “I worked all night/wk/month and I haven’t got a thing to show for it.” What discouragement!
Sometimes this happens in life. Sometimes you work hard and you work diligently and you work long and you’ve got nothing to show for it. The fact is this miracle story has a lot to teach us because everybody’s fishing for something. This story teaches us what do you do when you come up empty. This is a very powerful moment. When these four fishermen did what Jesus tells them to do they not only receive a miracle, but they’re blessed more than they can handle. And their lives are changed forever. Friends, that’s a fish story! That is a Miracle!
Here’s the point: they caught more fish in ten minutes than they had tried to catch in ten hours of fishing. The fact is, God can do more in ten minutes in your life than you can do in ten years. If you will do it the way he tells you to do it.
What makes the difference? What made the difference between emptiness and overflowing? Jesus says in the book of Matthew “According to your faith it will be done unto you.” The fishermen did four things. They took four steps of faith. You need to learn these steps of faith when you’re going through the difficult times, when you’re coming up empty in your efforts and need a miracle. Let’s look the four steps.
The first thing you need to do, that which Peter and Andrew and James and John did is:
- You need to give Jesus complete access to your life.
Notice it says “Jesus got into one of the boats, and put out a little from shore and taught the people from the boat.” Here’s the starting point. You’ve got to get Jesus in your boat (in your life). Now in ten minutes they’re catching more than they can handle. What’s different here? It’s the same lake. It’s the same boat. It’s the same nets. The only thing that’s different between nothing and fullness is Jesus is in the boat. Do you think that makes a difference? Oh, yeah! Jesus in the boat makes the difference.
This is what Matthew 6:33 says “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and then all these other things will be added unto you.” You’ve got to get the priorities right. You’ve got to get Jesus in the boat. Question: Do you have Jesus in your life? Some of you are going through tough times right now and you’re trying to change things. The fishermen didn’t need to change their nets. They didn’t need to change their boat. They didn’t need to change their location. They just needed Jesus to guide the boat. That’s first step.
- Here’s the second step to receiving a miracle. I admit that my efforts aren’t working. Verse 4-5 “When Jesus had finished speaking he said to Simon, ‘Put out into deep water and let down the nets for a catch.’ Simon Peter answered, ‘Master, we’ve worked hard all night and we haven’t caught anything.’”
Do you realize how hard it was for Peter to say this? Peter is a pro. He’s good at what he does. He’s a professional fisherman. But sometimes even when you’re a pro & you fish all night and you catch nothing—you need more than just your own wisdom. The truth is they’re doing their best. These are good guys. But friends, sometimes our best is not good enough. And sometimes there are situations that are out of our control. Most of the major things of your life you can’t control.
What do you need to do? You need to first do these two things. You get Jesus in your boat and then, you admit that your way isn’t working. That’s humbling. The Bible calls that confession.
- Here’s the third step. The third step, if you want to see God turn emptiness into fullness, and do a miracle in your life, is you obey whatever Jesus tells you to do.
In other words, I must be willing to do whatever he tells me even if it doesn’t make sense. I must obey what God tells me to do even if I don’t understand it and I’m confused and I’m scared to death. Jesus (verse 5) told them to launch out into the deep. Simon says “[Sir], we’ve worked hard all night and we haven’t caught anything. [We’ve come up empty.] But because you say so, I will let down the nets.” That is the key to this miracle; because you say so.
Notice what Peter does not do. First, he doesn’t argue with Jesus. “Excuse me Lord. You’re a carpenter. I’m a fisherman. You know wood, I know fish. I know my job better than you, Lord.” No, I’m going to trust you. Question: What has God told you to do that you’re not doing? God’s not going to tell you 3, 4, or 5 steps, if you’re not doing step 1 and 2.
God is saying to some of you, I want you to start reading My Word. And you’re not doing it. God is saying to you, I want you to forgive that person and let it go and stop holding a grudge. And you’re not doing it. God is saying I want you to tell a friend about Jesus. And you’re not doing it. I don’t know what God’s already told you to do, but you know. God is saying to some of you, you need to come to Jesus. And you’re not doing it.
When you do whatever God tells you to do, you say, YES, I will because you say so. You say YES in faith. Because without faith it’s impossible to please God. Many people live their lives saying NO to God. And they miss out on what God has waiting for them. One of the reasons God allows difficulties in your life is to force you into deeper water. He loves you too much to let you stay in the shallows.
1st – I give Jesus complete access to my life. 2nd – I admit my efforts aren’t working. 3rd – I obey whatever Jesus tells me – “because He say so.” Then, the 4th step, (emptiness into fullness)
4.Then the four step …is I expect Jesus to turn things around.
If God tells you to go fishing and then he comes along with you in the boat, and then he points out where to let down your nets, do you think you’re going to come up empty? I don’t think so! The Bible says in 1 Thessalonians “The one who calls you is completely dependable. If he said it, he’ll do it.” If God can control nature and fish like this story and obviously he can, He can take care of you in a pandemic. But you’ve got to do it his way.
God is looking for people who trust. “When Simon Peter saw this [miracle] he fell on his knees before Jesus…” This miracle is the turning point in his life.
Let me point out right here. This miracle is not about getting an abundant of things. It’s about God’s purpose for your life. It’s about the kingdom of God. He said I’m going to teach you how to fish for men. I’m going to teach you how to change the world. Jesus says, I want to give you a miracle. I want to turn your emptiness to overflowing. I’m going to use you, to change the lives of people.
God is calling you to leave your nets and follow him. Are you ready to do what God wants you to do?