Make This Your New Years Resolution
“Make This Your New Year’s Resolution”
Pastor Jerry
Philippians 3:10-14
————————————- Message Synopsis ————————————-
Have you heard about the man who moved into a retirement community to spend the rest of his life there? It wasn’t long until there was one lady he was especially attracted to, & she was attracted to him, also. Finally one evening he proposed, asking her to marry him.
The next morning he woke up remembering his proposal, but he couldn’t remember her answer. So he went to her and asked what she answered.
Sometimes I feel that way about New Year’s resolutions. I forget what was it that I said I was going to do. Maybe you have that problem, too.
So this year I have a suggestion for a New Year’s resolution that we ought to be able to remember. It’s just one! Here it is – let’s promise ourselves & God that we will make a change for the better. That’s it! let’s make this one resolution – we’re going to make a change for the better.
And to help us do that, let me suggest 3 ways in which we can make a change for the better.
During the Pandemic it has been hard to keep a positive outlook.
How do you feel about your life? Is it worthwhile? What would it take for you to feel that living is worthwhile? What has to be happening to make you feel really positive about your life?
If you won the lottery, or had a change in your marriage, or if your kids made you proud, or if you got a career promotion? What would it take for you to really feel positive about your life?
Now if that’s the way you’re thinking then you’ll probably will never feel really positive about life because those instant grandiose events will probably never occur.
I have the right answer for how to make life worthwhile. It’s in Philippians 3 of our text this morning. When I read that passage this morning, did you realize that Paul was in prison under horrible conditions, when he wrote that. Yet despite that Paul writes these wonderfully positive words, “Not that I have already obtained all …but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me….I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.”
Now stop for a moment, “What is Paul trying to grab hold of?” Paul tells us in vs. 10, “I want to know Christ & the power of His resurrection…” What is he reaching for? What is his goal? Paul’s goal is the resurrection from the dead. His goal is eternal life with Jesus. That is what makes living worthwhile.
Now here is the point. If our goal is eternal life with Jesus Christ; then all these little setbacks in life, the challenges, the pandemic, the losses, they are only stepping stones getting us closer to the time when we will be with Jesus.
There will be disappointments in life, but every day that passes is one day closer to the time when we will be with Jesus. If that is our goal, then Romans 8:28 is true. “All things” do “work together for good to those who love God & are called according to his purpose.”
The world says that the way to feel good about yourself is by climbing the ladder of success – by making a lot of money – by receiving a lot of awards. But the Bible teaches us that we are to feel good about ourselves because God loves us.
A second way in which we can make a change for the better.
One thing that is right about the church is that our desire is simply to lift up Jesus, to reach out to a lost & dying world with the message of salvation. Yet people criticize the church. You see, we have a different value system than the world. The world thinks you’re wasting your time going to church.
John Wesley was a great English preacher of the 1700’s and one Sunday morning he was criticized for wearing a bow tie that had long ribbons. And she took out her scissors & cut them off. Wesley calmly asked, “May I borrow the scissors for a moment?” As she handed them to him, he said, “Please stick out your tongue.”
In Ephesians 4:15 Paul says, “We need to speak the truth in love.” We need to make sure it is the truth but we also need to be sure that we are speaking it in the spirit of love. So we need to develop a positive attitude towards the church.
A third way in which we can make a change for the better.
This is a hard world, sometimes it’s a dog-eat-dog world. The Pandemic doesn’t make it any easier. People are jockeying for positions for food, and with unemployment, and to pay their bills. They’re filled with all kinds of stress & anxiety.
But the church must be a place where we all can come & be accepted & loved & encouraged & built up – a place where there are people to help us carry our burdens & everyone feels welcome. One of the things about the Boones Mill Church that I really appreciate is that when I talk with people they say “Everyone is so warm & friendly in the church. We really felt at home there.” You see, when we treat each other with love then wonderful things will happen for the kingdom of God. So this new year let’s make sure that we display a positive attitude toward others.
People need people. But more than that people need positive people – people who care and love one another. That’s why I’m encouraging you to make this your one resolution this year- to make a change in your life for the better.
I’m suggesting that a change for the better would be:. “I’m going to be positive as I look at my life. I’m going to be positive as I look at the church. And I’m going to be positive as I look at others.”
If you make this your one resolution this year …to make a change for the better …it will be that you “want to know Christ & the power of His resurrection…”
If you are here today without Jesus Christ as your Lord & your Savior, then you have an opportunity to make a change for the better right away. Come today, and accept Him as your Lord & Savior. But before I pray with you about that, I want you to pray to Jesus during this song…
I invite you to come and give your all to Jesus as I pray for you, right now, today.