Series: “All I Want For Christmas”- Part 2
Scripture Lesson:
John 14:23-27
-------------------------- Sermon Synopsis -----------------------------
Series: All I Want for Christmas is… (Part 2)
John 14:23-27
Pastor Jerry
December 8 , 2019
How many of you have heard the Christmas story about Mary & Joseph and the birth of the baby Jesus? It’s not easy keeping all the facts straight about Christmas.
Let me ask you a personal question,
“Are you at Peace? Are you at Peace about your health, your finances, your family, your job, your faith?” According to most studies, this is a season of stress and distress, of sadness not gladness.
The word
PEACE in the New Testament means to
“join together; to set at one again.” It has the idea of gluing something back together, to fix something after it is broken. Jesus came to bind up the brokenhearted; to bind up the broken. You know what? That is the problem we face this morning. We’re all broken in some way. Jesus wants us to have Peace! Now there are four ways we can experience Peace at Christmas.
The first way is…
- Peace with God (that’s the vertical dimension). Did you know that there is a war going on between God and mankind? People may not realize that they are at war with God, but if they don’t know Jesus Christ as their Savior…if they are not loving Him …if they are not obeying Him …God considers them to be at war with Him. What about you? Are you at war with God …are you broken with God …or, are you at Peace?
Colossians 1:20 says that Jesus reconciled Himself to all things
“making peace through His blood, shed on the cross.” We don’t deserve this peace. But, because of God’s great love, He provided a way for us to be set at one again with the God of the universe. Jesus is our Peace!
The second way Jesus wants us to have Peace at Christmas is …to have the…
- Peace of God (this takes place internally). In order to have the peace of God internally, we must first experience peace with God vertically. The upward dimension must be taken care of before inward peace can permeate our lives. Shortly before Jesus died, He declared in John 14:27: “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” This inner peace is a gift from Jesus and comes to us as a key element of the fruit of the Spirit.
The third way Jesus wants us to have Peace at Christmas is …to have…
- Peace with others (that’s peace horizontally). When we’re at peace with God, and we have internal peace, we can then be at peace with others. The followers of Jesus find that Jesus is their peace. But now they are told that they must not only have peace but make peace.” Jesus said in Matthew 5:9: “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called the sons of God.” And Romans 14:19 lays out our responsibility: “Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification.”
The fourth (and final) way Jesus wants us to have Peace at Christmas is …to have…
4. Peace for others (that’s the proclamation of peace in the gospel)
. The only way for people to have
peace with God, to have
peace inside, and to be at
peace with others, is for people like us, people who know Jesus, to
tell them about the Good News, about the gospel of peace. Peter declares in Acts 10:36:
“You know the message God sent to the people of Israel, telling the good news of peace through Jesus Christ, who is Lord of all.” We need to share peace with others.
Today, “All I want for Christmas …” is PEACE!