Series: “How to Make it Through Tough Times”
Part 4
“Where to get the Power You Need”
Pastor Jerry
————————————- Message Synopsis ————————————-
If I ask you, “What’s wrong with the world today?” What would you say? Another Question! Would you say that now is the worst time in human history?
It’s easy to portray the world as being worse than ever, simply because we know much more now than we ever did before. But our perception is at odds with reality, with fact and statistics? We instinctively believe it’s worse than ever.
Nowadays, with the internet, there is no limit to how much information we can access. Whereas in the time before the internet and social media era, we were in the dark about what was going on. Unfortunately, the bad things are the ones that always get into the forefront and this is by design.
We humans are wired to pay 10x more attention to negative news than positive news. Being able to pay attention to negative news has an advantage to keeping you alive. However, paying more attention to negative news is used against us. The news media knows this. They take advantage of it.
And, despite all of the fear and scare, and contrary to popular (mis)conception, the world, statistically and factually speaking, has never been in better shape. Right now, we’re actually living in the safest and most prosperous time in all of human history.
So, why do so many people think the world is worse now than it was? While we live in a world of easy access to information and know more than ever before, we also live in the world of misinformation. Misinformation which is generally designed to manipulate us to think a certain way.
You may have been fooled many times before without evening knowing it. Ever heard of clickbait headlines? These are designed to spark fear and negative emotions in you but generally, have no factual basis, or at most, have greatly exaggerated factual basis behind them.
For example: Any time a plane crashes anywhere (that happens occasionally) you will hear about it over and over on the news. Yet, you won’t hear that over 3,000 people that die in car crashes each day. Yet, almost nobody fears driving in their car but many people have a fear of flying.
Or, look at terrorism and how scary it is. The coverage of this can make you sound like terrorists are lurking around every corner. Yet, you are statically more likely to die from being struck by lightning. Through the constant bombardment of these clickbait style headlines, it’s easy to get us to become misinformed and afraid of things, even when it makes no logical sense to be afraid.
Today’s message strikes right at the heart of our deep need for power – for strength to survive. Where do we get the power to live in today’s confusing world, in a world where life seems to be in a constant struggle?
Today’s message is that you and I don’t have to live powerless lives. God has made us a promise. The promise is this: That you and I can experience God’s unlimited, supernatural power in our lives today and, when necessary, endure pain and hardship.
God doesn’t want us to just talk about power. He wants us to access it. 1 Corinthians 4:20 “The kingdom of God is not just fancy talk. It is living by God’s power.” We access the truth of God’s power through one of His O.T. names: El Shaddai which means “I am your all powerful God.” God says, “I’m the answer to your need. I am your all powerful God.” We can access that power. Psalm 68 “God is awesome. He gives power and strength to His people….”
Most of us in here, we don’t question God’s power. What you and I question is, Is God’s power available to us? And if so, How do I get it? Those are the questions that we have. I want to take a look at four promises that God says, “I’ll give you power when…_________” There are more but these four are very relevant to us today.
When can I count on God’s power?
We are living in a third year of a Pandemic that’s made us tired. God makes us a promise. Isaiah 40 “The Lord is the everlasting God. He never grows tired or weary. He strengthens those who are weak and tired. Those who trust the Lord for help will find their strength renewed. He gives power to those who are tired and worn out; He offers strength to the weak.” That is a great verse. God’s power is unlimited. You need His power? It’s available.
God says, “My power will show up when you’re weak.” Paul said to God, “I’ve got this affliction. Will You take it away from me?” God said no. “My power shows up best in weak people.” Paul says, “Now I’m glad to boast about how weak I am. I ‘m glad to be a living demonstration of Christ’s power instead of showing off my own power and abilities.” God makes a promise. When you feel inadequate. He wants to invade your life with His power. It’s available.
- I can count on God’s power WHEN I’M IN PAIN.
Some of us are in pain in this room now and that is very hard. Some of us have bodily pain; some have lost loved ones, some are feeling financial pressures; some see family members and friends self-destructing. Pain is all around us. God promises us power in the midst of pain. Psalm 41 “The Lord nurses them when they’re sick and eases their pain.” When we access God’s power, it satisfies our soul. It’s available.
- I can count on God’s power WHEN I’M TEMPTED.
One of the reasons that some of the pain is in our life is because we haven’t had the power to say no to temptation. Paul understood this. Romans 7 “I often find that I have the will to do good, but not the power.” Temptation is out there! You name the temptation – eating, internet pornography, gossip, cheating on your taxes – when you’re tempted, God gives you the power to say no. The promise is this: there’s always a way out. It’s available.
The bottom line to these four promises is that God’s saying, we don’t have to live powerless, weak lives. Paul understood God’s power when he said, Philippians 4:13 “I have the strength to face all conditions by the power that Christ gives me.” God’s power is not automatic. God does the impossible – He provides us His power. But we do the possible. We do the possible with faith, that God will do the impossible.
I want to give you some action steps of WHAT YOU AND I CAN DO TO RECEIVE GOD’S POWER. I listed them as A-B-C. It may not be as easy as ABC but it may be a little more memorable this way.
When we pretend to be self-sufficient –we short circuit God’s power for our lives. You drop to your knees and you admit that you’re weak. God hates pride. Pride says I don’t need God. Proverbs says, “Pride ends in humiliation. While humility brings honor.” If you want God’s power, in your life, you’ve got to let go of the steering wheel and say, “God, You take control.
Do you know why you don’t have power? Because of ungodly choices where God is not going to bless what we’re doing. It wouldn’t make sense for God to supernaturally renew our strength so we could pursue something outside of God’s design for our life. Jesus said in John 15 “I am the vine and you are the branches. Those who remain in Me and I in them, they will produce much fruit. For apart from Me you can do nothing.”
This is the toughest. The Bible makes it very, very clear that God’s power and my faith are connected. For me to get God’s power, I’ve got to step out in faith. “What is faith?…” Hebrews 11:1 “… It is the confident assurance that what we hope for is going to happen.” You choose God’s way. You make godly choices.
I have to go through this A-B-C in my life every time I stand up to speak. I’ve got to step forward to what I feel like He’s called me to do and every time, God’s power shows up along the way. That’s my life. What about you? What do you do with this message? What do you do from here?
Isaiah 40:31 “Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary.” Here’s Pastor Jerry’s paraphrase, “Those who choose God’s way will find power. They will do what God has called them to do and not be weary.” We do the possible with faith that God will do the impossible. That’s the way it works.