Homecoming 2021
“Homecoming 2021”
Pastor Jerry
Acts 14:21-28
————————————- Message Synopsis ————————————-
One of the most wonderful and fascinating features of God’s creation is that God created animals with an incredible sense of direction called “the homing instinct.”
Against all odds, wild animals swim and fly home from the sea and lakes to the place of their birth.
Even domesticated animals have shown a remarkable instinct to “go home. There are documented cases of dogs and cats traveling hundreds even thousands of until they find their way home.
Did God create humans with a similar “homing instinct?”
Ecclesiastes 3:11 He (God) has set eternity in the hearts of men. The apostle Paul states it this way in II Corinthians 5:1-2… “Now we know that if the earthly tent we live in is destroyed, we have a building from God, an eternal house in heaven, not built by human hands. (now listen carefully to this second verse) Meanwhile we GROAN, LONGING to be clothed with our heavenly dwelling.”
That’s why we sing about…“Some glad morning when this life is o’er, I’ll fly away.” Or “When we all get to heaven what a day of rejoicing that will be.” Or “When the roll is called up yonder I’ll be there.”
You see, “God has set eternity in our hearts.” And no matter how comfortable we may be in this world, our hearts are continually drawing us homeward and heavenward. But while we are in this world there is something that draws us back to our earthly home.
Renowned Harvard Professor, Henry Louis Gates, Jr. is host on a PBS TV SHOW, called “Finding Your Roots.” The core of the program is built upon the basic drive of humans to discover who we are and where we come from.
So, each year at this same time we are drawn back to Boones Mill Church of the Brethren to celebrate A HOMECOMING. Today is a special day for all of us.
In many ways, PAUL and BARNABAS looked upon the Church at Antioch as their “home church.” We learn in ACTS that it was from the Church at Antioch Paul and Barnabas were sent off on their first of three missionary journeys through the region of Asia Minor.
In our scripture text in ACTS 14, PAUL and BARNABAS have just returned home after their two year missionary journey. The first thing they did was gather all the Church together for a big HOMECOMING CELEBRATION. As we reflect on what that HOMECOMING meant to the Church in Antioch, we gain some insight on what HOMECOMING means to us today.
- Homecoming Is A Time To Reflect on Where We Have Been. vs. 26, 27
At the Homecoming at the Antioch Church with Paul and Barnabas, they talked about all the places they had been. Their journey had started on the Isle of Cyprus, which is where Barnabas called home. They traveled to several cities on that island preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ.
While in the city of PAPHOS, they encountered a false prophet named Bar-Jesus. Paul and Barnabas went on to tell about preaching in the city of PERGA. It was there young John Mark left them and returned home. After leaving the Island of Cyprus, Paul and Barnabas went to Antioch of Pisidia where Paul came down with a bad case of malaria. It was through their preaching of the gospel many Gentiles came to accept Jesus Christ. But the JEWS who lived in that region stirred up a riot against Paul and Barnabas and ran them out of town. Paul nearly lost his life when the people stoned him and drug him outside the city and left him for dead.
Don’t you know the people gathered at that great Homecoming that day were glued to the edges of their seats as they listened to Paul and Barnabas tell of all these experiences in the places they had been.
Let’s reflect for a moment on WHERE Boones Mill Church of the Brethren has been.
Many of you are much more familiar with this Church’s history than I, but let me briefly sketch where this Church has been since her humble beginnings.
As far back as 1860, (at the beginning of the Civil War) services were held in schoolhouses and homes in and near Boones Mill. By the early 1900s the meetings that were being held in different homes, had grown too large for the homes, so plans were made for a church house to be built in Boones Mill. After WW1, the lot on which the church now stands was purchased from George Angell in 1924 and construction began that same year.
In 1925, the Boones mill Church was built and dedicated with J.A. Naff (one of my ancestors) bringing the message. In 1928, the Boones Mill congregation petitioned the Bethlehem Church for organizational status and it was granted.
At the beginning of WW2, Guy Wampler, Sr. was secured as the first full time pastor of the Boones Mill Church in 1939 while he gave pastoral support to the Cedar Bluff and Red Hill Congregations as well. Following Guy Wampler’s pastorate, there were Oscar Fike, Robert Lloyd, the home ministers, James Flora, Grant Simmons, William Puffenburger, Donald Clay, Jimmy Robinson, Robert Miller, then Harry Shelton—and I have been serving as pastor since 2019.
The Boones Mill Church of the Brethren is today celebrating its 96th Homecoming since its beginning.
And so today as WE THINK ABOUT WHERE WE HAVE BEEN may we not forget those who founded this Church long ago and those who faithfully served her in years gone by.
- Homecoming Is A Time to Reflect On Where We Are. vs. 28
We know from historical records that Paul and Barnabas’ first missionary journey covered a two year period during 48 and 49 A.D. And we know the second missionary journey did not begin until early 50 A.D. During that “season of refreshment” Paul and Barnabas had time to reflect on WHERE THEY’D BEEN and WHERE THEY WERE NOW as they made their preparations for a second missionary journey.
So, let’s ask, Where is Boones Mill Church of the Brethren right now?
I believe that is all a matter of perspective. Those of you who have a broader history in this Church may see things one way, whereas those who are relatively new to Boones Mill Church of the Brethren may see things in a different way. Having been here just a little over two years, can I tell you what I see as the “new kid on the block?”
I see Boones Mill Church of the Brethren as a Church that has had many ups and downs over the years. This Church has had some days of great glory where she was thriving and growing and these Church pews were filled.
And this Church has seen her share of some “not-so-glorious” days. But I truly believe the Church that endured those difficult times is a much more loving, more caring and more united Church. I see a genuine hunger on the part of many of you to learn the scriptures.
I see Boones Mill Church of the Brethren as a hopeful looking Church for a new future. We have come through almost two years of a pandemic with many great challenges and yet have not simply survived, but have actually, thrived. I see a Church that is on her way UP, not on her way DOWN. Do we still have lots of room for improvement? Yes we do! Do we need more work in a lot of areas? Yes we do! But as we look at where we are right now, I believe all the ingredients are here for GOD to breathe brand new life into Boones Mill Church of the Brethren!
- Homecoming is a time to reflect on where we have been.
- Homecoming is a time to reflect on where we are.
And finally……
III. Homecoming Is A Time To Reflect on Where We Are Going.
The Church at Antioch was perhaps one of, if not the most vibrant Church in the New Testament. It is from this Church we learn a very valuable truth and that is this: In order for a Church to maintain her vitality and stay healthy, she must never become satisfied with status quo.
Having sent Paul and Barnabas on that first missionary journey, it would have been very easy for the Church at Antioch to become very self-satisfied that they had done all they needed to do. But instead, this Church focused on doing even more in the future. Paul’s second missionary journey took him into new places, resulting in the winning of many more lost souls and the establishment of many new Churches in places where the gospel had never been preached. And the Church at Antioch played a key role in that.
The Antioch Church partnered with Paul on his third and final missionary journey as well. The Antioch Church as constantly striving toward a better future!
What is the future of Boones Mill Church of the Brethren? Where do we go from here? Are the Boones Mill Church’s best days behind her or ahead of her? I believe the Boones Mill Church can learn a very valuable lesson from the Church at Antioch. And that is if we are to be a strong, vibrant, healthy Church 10-20 years from now, should the Lord tarry, we must strive to be a strong, vibrant, healthy Church today.
Brothers and sisters, it is up to you and me to build the bridge to the next generation of the Boones Mill Church of the Brethren. Our goal is not to become the biggest Church in this area. Our goal is not to offer more and better programs than other Churches. Our greatest goal is to become the kind of Church Jesus Christ would have us to be. A Church that LOVES GOD and LOVES PEOPLE! Everything else is secondary in importance!
And so as we set our sights for the future of Boones Mill Church of the Brethren, …“let us fix our eyes on Jesus, …the author and finisher of our faith.” God is calling us to come home… home to the Boones Mill Church … and calling us to come home to a life with Jesus Christ… please, come home!