——————-Sermon Note Page——————-
Series: “Love Gifts: What Matters Most!”
Pastor Jerry
February 2, 2020
We continue the series “What Matters Most” and today we’ll talk about “communication.” “All of us often make mistakes. But if a person never makes a mistake in what he says, he is perfect.” James 3:2 ________ % of communication is verbal; ________% body language &facial expression; ________% tone of the voice. It’s not so much __________you say but __________you say it. James explains how important our words are. He indicates that “my mouth, my words, they direct where I go.”Before you can communicate with words:
(1) A person needs to know that you _____________________ and _____________________. Rather than trying to “fix the problem” just “listen.” James explains how important our words are. He indicates that “my mouth, my words, they can destroy what I have.” (2) A person needs to know that you _____________________ and ______________________. We often want to make a person feel better . In a time of crisis you need to realize that you don’t have to ______________________ …just __________________. A woman wants your ________________not your ____________. James explains how important our words are. He indicates that “my mouth, my words, displays who I really am.” (3) A person needs to know that you ________________________________________________________. Communication problems are not caused by the differences between men/women, but caused by the lack of understanding of the differences. A woman gets her sense of worth from ____________________. A man gets his sense of worth from _______________________. A man is happy when he is ______________________________. A woman is productive when she is _______________________. A typical couple spend _______ minutes a week talking together. Nobody cares about how much you ___________________ until they know how much you ______________________. _________________ expresses a connection/communication. For communication to happen, one must first feel special, accepted, loved and appreciated.——————-Sermon Synopsis——————-
Series: “Love Gifts: What Matters Most!”
Pastor Jerry
February 2, 2020
For the last two weeks we have been talking about what matters most in healthy relationships. The first week we talked about “true love.” Last week we talked about “understanding each other.” Today …we want to continue this series and talk about “communication.” We’re going to be talking about how do you love with your words? James 3:2 says “All of us often make mistakes. But if a person never makes a mistake in what he says, he is perfect.” Before you can communicate with words a person you speak to needs to know that: