Remembering This One Thing!
Sermon: “Remembering This One Thing!”
A Service of Remembering those departed in 2019
Scripture Lesson: 2 Peter 3: 3-9
————————– Sermon Synopsis ————————-
“Remembering This One Thing!”
Pastor Jerry
December 29, 2019
The ability to remember is a wonderful gift that God has given to us.
Some of our memories are happy, & we can recall wonderful experiences. But some of our memories are sad, & we may weep as we remember them. 2 Pet. 3:8 “But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day.”
Some things need to be forgotten but can’t seem to be erased from the memory. Other things need to be remembered but escape easily. One thing we should not forget…IS THE PEOPLE AROUND US! We should be thoughtful of ONE ANOTHER!
Brothers and sisters, no matter what we do in our service and ministry here at the Boones Mill Church, we must love one another. Why? …because God is Love …and wants us to share His Love with everyone. Our business as a church in this world is also to remember and to love people.
On this Remembrance Day I want us to be people remembering one another in 4 diff. ways:
1- Remember the good and encourage…
2- Remember the hurting and pray…
3- Remember those who have gone on before us and be thankful…
4- Remember the Lord and what He has done for us (and what He promises to do)…
God so loved the world that He sent His Son at Christmas time to be born as a baby – to be Emmanuel – to be God with us. God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son on the cross to die for our sin. God loves everything He has created because it’s good, but His most important creation is YOU. God’s heart is set on YOU. And so ours must be set on one another. Remember people always. Remember them and commend them. Remember them and pray for them. Remember them always and thank God for them and …and do not forget this one thing …that God gave YOU Jesus at Christmas …so you could have a Blessed and Happy New Life!