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Prospering With Integrity

Sermon Series

Ten Truths that Show Us How to Love – Part 8 

"Prospering With Integrity"

Pastor Jerry

Luke 19:1-10 (NLT); Exodus 20:15 (NLT)


------------------------------------- Message Synopsis -------------------------------------

Today is week eight of our sermon series concerning, “Truth!” It is crucial to know “What’s the Truth?” That’s why God gave us ten truths for living; they are called The Ten Commandments. Today we're going to look at the 8th commandment and how it will teach us truth on how to show love. The message today is titled, “Prospering with Integrity.”  So, here is Truth number 8 in our series! Exodus 20:15 "You shall not steal."    Let me ask you a personal question, “Have you ever stolen anything I. HOW DO WE STEAL? It's amazing the number of ways that we can steal. That’s what we are going to do first in explaining this commandment, we are going to look at the many ways in which we steal. Now, we are going to look at only six ways.
  1. The first way we will list as a way to steal is by Deceiving Customers.
This is not something new or only done in modern times. Three thousand years ago this was a problem in Biblical times. Amos 8:5, "They overcharge, use false measures, and fix the scales to cheat the customers." That sounds pretty current.
  1. A second way you can steal is by Defrauding Employers.
I'm not just talking about the obvious when a worker pads their expense account or takes home supplies or equipment or merchandise. But I'm talking about when you waste time on the job. The Bible calls that stealing.
  1. A third way you can steal is by Delaying Payments
The Bible says in Lev. 19:13, "Don't take advantage of anyone. Don't hold back the wages of someone you've hired, not even for one night." If you've have workers or suppliers or friend and you owe them money don't say, the check's in the mail, pay up now. That is a form of stealing.
  1. A fourth way you can steal is by Defaulting on Loans.
The Bible says Ps 37:21, "The wicked man borrows and never pays back." There are some people who get things with a loan and have no intention of paying it back. Some people call it long term borrowing, but God’s word calls that stealing. It's wrong.
  1. Now a fifth way you can steal is by Defrauding or Deceiving the Government.
The Bible says the government has been established by the Lord, and thus in Rom 13:6-7 "The authorities are working for God.” So, pay what you owe them, pay your taxes." Now let me explain something--Tax avoidance is good stewardship. Tax evasion by false reporting however is illegal. God says it's stealing, don't do it.
  1. Here’s the sixth way people can steal is by Defrauding the Lord.
Mal 3:8 "Will a man rob God? Yet you rob me! But you ask, "How do we rob you, God?' By withholding tithes and offerings!" The Bible teaches tithing is a tenth or ten percent. God says if I am using all the money (100%) for me and not giving to the Lord back out of gratitude for what He's done, that's robbing God. Realize, I’ve only listed 6 ways we steal. There are so many more ways! But you get the idea! The 2nd way we’re going examine this commandment is to explain why we need to be honest. II.  WHY SHOULD I BE HONEST?
  1. First, we need to be honest because being Truthful is being like God.
People steal because they think they can get away with it and think nobody is going to know about it. If you knew when you stole something that everybody was going to know about it, would you steal? Not likely. Job 34:21-22 "God carefully watches the goings on of all mankind, he sees them all. ..." Nothing escapes God's view. I'm not fooling God, He's the One I've got to report to. One day I will stand before Him and give an account. That's when it's going to count. God knows and wants us to be like Him…to be honest and to be truthful.
  1. Second, we need to be honest because I will reap whatever I sow.
Gal. 6:7 "Don't be misled, remember ... a man will always reap just the kind of crop he sows!" This doesn't say most of the time, some of the time, but always. Count on it. Whatever you give out in life is what you're going to get back. Why do we steal? What motivates dishonesty?
  • Greed. The Bible says "The love of money is the root of all kinds of evil." There is a false idea, a myth, that says we can get something for nothing – but that's what stealing is. That's why people gamble. God doesn't want you to trust "luck" or “fate” or “chance.” He wants you to depend on Him.
  • Another thing that motivated dishonesty is Laziness. When con men look for people to scam they always look for people who are looking for a short cut. They are the easiest people in the world to con -- people looking for the quick fix, the fast deal, the short cut, get rich quick.
  1. Third, the reason we need to be honest is because Dishonesty damages my character.
It shrinks my soul. Jesus said "What does it profit a man if he gain the whole world but lose his soul." There are dozens of ways to dishonestly make a lot of money real quick. What does it profit a person to gain the world and lose his soul?  Prov. 10:2 "Wealth you get by dishonesty will do you no good, but honesty can save your life." The Bible says that Satan is a thief. The devil wants you to steal because every time you do it you become more like him. He is the thief, the father of thieves.
  1. A fourth reason we need to be honest is because God will reward our honesty.
In this life and eternity. Proverbs 28:20 "Honest people will lead a full, happy life but if you're in a hurry to get rich you're going to be punished." Honesty leads to a happy life. Why? Because you have integrity. God is testing your integrity right now. He's testing you three ways: through trials and problems you face; through temptation; through money. The Bible says God uses these three things to test your life, to see what's important to you, what's valuable to you. How can I do what God says for me to do? There is an important step on the road to integrity: That is to make restitution when possible. A good example of this is Zacchaeus in the Bible in Luke 19. Zacchaeus was a dishonest tax collector. They were the wealthiest people in town and the most hated. They were the most dishonest. Jesus goes and has dinner with Zacchaeus and Zacchaeus realizes in the visit with Jesus, "I've been doing the wrong thing. I'm going to get my life right. I'm going to do what God wants." He says "I want to follow you Lord. If I cheated anyone I will pay him back four times as much." In Luke 19:9 Jesus says, "Salvation has come to this man's home." This guy became a true believer. Following Jesus is not just a matter of belief, but of changed behavior. You remember when I started this message, I asked you if you had ever stolen? How did you answer? Perhaps you have sinned and broken the 8th commandment that says, “Thou shall not steal.” Maybe you need to make restitution like Zaccheaus did, perhaps you need to confess if you are doing any wrong thing in your life. The Bible says in the book of Revelation, "No dishonest person will be allowed into heaven." That means you and I don't stand a chance. Nobody stands a chance unless we have Jesus as our Savior. Jesus says, that's what I came to do. Come to Me now and I will make all things new!    
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